Cold Branches
“…like a branch that tries to break away from the tree. It will wither and come to a bad end.” William Shakespeare
“…like a branch that tries to break away from the tree. It will wither and come to a bad end.” William Shakespeare
“There is a place in the heart that will never be filled a space and even during the best moments and the greatest times times…” Charles Bukowski
“From the time the sun left home there’s something they just ignore is that you can play with fire but this won’t stop your ire”. An Harbor
“La mia esistenza è simile a quella delle piante; vivo come i fiori imprigionati dietro le cancellate del castello di Oberhofen. Sono un animale in gabbia, poiché vincoli materiali e […]
“Ho salutato chi mi ha tradito, ho dato il mio rispetto a chi mi ha calpestato l’anima. Ho perdonato cose che se Dio sapesse mi direbbe stupida”. Veronica Marchi